About Us

The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust serves as the lead agency for Miami-Dade County’s homeless Continuum of Care (CoC), responsible for the oversight, planning and operations of the entire CoC including:
- Administering proceeds of a one-percent (1%) Food and Beverage Tax. Miami-Dade had the first dedicated funding source for homelessness in the United States – a unique 1percent Food and Beverage Tax which is foundational to the funding of the Homeless Trust today.
- Implementing the Homeless Plan which provides a framework for preventing and ending homelessness in Miami-Dade County.
- Serving as the collaborative applicant for federal and state funding opportunities.
- Administering grants and overseeing operations and fiscal activities for more than 100 housing and services programs operated by more than 20 competitively selected non-profit providers and government entities.
- Managing Miami-Dade County’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), the local technology system used to collect client-level data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness.
- Developing policy and serving in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners on issues involving homelessness.
- Oversee and manage the bi-annual point-in-time census.
- Homeless Trust Census Results & Comparison: January 2025
- Homeless Trust Census Results & Comparison: August 2023 to August 2024
- Pursue a dedicated source of funding/private sector funding
- Create a body with diverse representation to implement plan
- Research best practices to address homelessness and develop goals for implementation
This tax is collected on all food and beverage sales in restaurants that gross more than $400,000 a year and are licensed by the State of Florida to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, except for hotels and motels. The tax is collected throughout Miami-Dade County with the exception of facilities in Miami Beach, Surfside and Bal Harbour. The levying of the tax required the creation of a community plan. The Homeless Trust Board created by county ordinance is responsible for the implementation of the Miami-Dade County Community Homeless Plan: Priority Home.
Chapman Partnership serves as the private sector partner to the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust and is commissioned by the Homeless Trust to operate two Homeless Assistance Centers which have assisted more than 100,000 individuals and families during its 20+ year history.
As a result of the CoC’s work, under the leadership of the Homeless Trust, unsheltered homelessness in Miami-Dade has gone from more than 8,000 people fewer than 1,100 persons. In 2019, the Homeless Trust recorded record low homeless totals. Currently, the Homeless Trust has more than 8,000 beds/units in its Housing Inventory Count dedicated to serving persons who are homeless and formerly homelessThe Homeless Trust is led by a 27-member Board of Trustees that includes representation from the city and business community, elected officials, formerly homeless persons, religious leaders and homeless advocates. The full Board meets monthly. Meetings are broadcast live. Archived meetings are also available to the public.
Board of Trustees
Ronald L. Book, Esq. (Chairman)
Ronald L. Book, PA
Tina Vidal-Duart (Vice Chairwoman)
Chief Executive Officer, CDR Health
Executive Vice-President, CDR Maguire
Judge Steven Leifman (Chairperson of Finance & Audit Committee)
Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida (Ret.)
Isabella Dell’Oca
Executive Director
Lotus House Shelter for Women
Javier Fernandez
City of South Miami
Gilda Ferradaz
Community Development Administrator
Southern Region-Office of Child & Family Well Being
Florida Department of Children & Families
Cleveland Bell, III
Executive Director
Riverside House
Ana Castilla
Miami Homes for All, Inc.
Dr. José L. Dótres
Miami-Dade County School Board
Oliver G. Gilbert, III
Commissioner, District 1
Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners
Carlos Fernandez Guzman
Pacific National Bank
Daniella Levine Cava
Miami-Dade County
Marleine Bastien
Commissioner, District 2
Miami-Dade County
Esther Caravia
Chief of Staff to President & CEO
Jackson Health Systems
Thomas Jardón, Esq.
Director of Housing & HIV
Citrus Health Network
Roderick (Rick) Beasley
Executive Director
CareerSource South Florida
Arthur Noriega
City of Miami
Father Patrick O'Neill
Greater Miami Religious Leaders Coalition
Rabbi Frederick L. Klein
Executive Vice President
Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami
Francis X. Suarez
City of Miami
Earnest Trotman
Homeless/Formerly Homeless Forum
Anna Kopper
Vice President of Resident Services
Carrfour Supportive Housing
Myrna Vaca
Marketing and Public Relations Executive
Victoria L. Mallette
Executive Director
- Executive Committee
- Finance and Audit Committee
- Housing and Services Development Committee
- Performance Evaluation Committee
- CoC Subcommittee
- Youth Homelessness Working Group
These projects are affordable rental units, not shelters. Each location will be owned and overseen by the Homeless Trust. Tenants sign a lease and pay rent, while case managers connect tenants with transportation, education, health and financial services as needed. Security is provided at each location.
The Homeless Trust supports more than 5,000 people daily in supportive housing. Ninety-eight percent of households placed in supportive housing successfully retain supportive housing. The Trust has been doing this work for nearly 30 years and these targeted investments are designed to improve the quality of life of all residents.
Public Records
Victoria L. Mallette
Public Records Custodian
111 NW 1st Street, 27th Floor
Miami, FL 33128
(305) 375-1490
This information is also found on the entrance to the Homeless Trust office.